Is the mountain of Kailash really in the shape of ‘Om’Is this its truth

Is the mountain of Kailash really in the shape of ‘Om’Is this its truth

Mount Kailash: The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. Whose height is 8849 meters. More than 7000 people have climbed Mount Everest so far and the process is still going on. But there is a mountain in the Himalayas which is called Mount Kailash. Which is approximately 2211 meters smaller than Mount Everest.

Its height is 6638 meters. But despite this, no one has been able to climb Mount Kailash yet. Mount Kailash has a very special place in Hindu religious belief. Regarding this mountain, some people believe that its shape is ‘Om’. Let us know how much truth is there in this fact.

Does Mount Kailash appear in the shape of ‘Om’?

Mount Kailash has great importance in Hindu religious beliefs. It is said that Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati reside on this mountain. This is considered to be the home of Lord Shiva. That is why no one has been able to climb this mountain till now. It is also said about this mountain that it is in the shape of an oar.

but it’s not like that. Actually Om Parvat falls before Kailash Parvat. When Mount Om is seen from a great distance. So a shape of Om is visible on it. This shape is formed due to snow falling on the mountain. That is why this mountain is called Om Mountain.

Mentioned in mythology

According to the mythological beliefs of Hindu religion, there are a total of 8 Om figures in the Himalayas. But so far only one discovery can be made from this. These shapes are made in a completely natural way. It is also said that the sound of Om is heard on Om mountain. But scientists believe that this is the sound produced by slipping of ice. But if we talk about common people, many people have expressed that they definitely felt a different energy after going there.

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